Ehstoday 7258 Sincerely Stefanie Columns 0 1
Ehstoday 7258 Sincerely Stefanie Columns 0 1
Ehstoday 7258 Sincerely Stefanie Columns 0 1
Ehstoday 7258 Sincerely Stefanie Columns 0 1
Ehstoday 7258 Sincerely Stefanie Columns 0 1

A Full Year of Sincerely Stefanie

July 27, 2017
Stefanie Valentic crafts columns for EHS Today readers based on her interactions with friends and family as well as her journey to staying fit physically and mentally.

Safety just isn’t about the numbers, the programs and methods. When you dig into it, it’s also about the physical and mental well-being of workers, and those subjects are what I enjoy touching on every time I write my column.

I enjoy crafting articles for EHS Today readers based on my interactions with friends and family as well as my journey to staying fit. Whether I’m covering health and wellness, mental health or safety, I try to convey my message to EHS Today’s audience.

In the past year, I covered the burgeoning popularity of augmented reality games such as Pokemon Go, explained how mental health can affect the workplace and reiterated why hindsight shouldn’t be a word in your safety vocabulary.

I received numerous responses from readers who connected my columns to their own experiences, and, if I haven’t heard from you, I hope that you found some common ground with one of the topics I covered.

Download this special 10 column collection.

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